Thursday, March 11, 2010

Welcome Leaders

Hi leaders of 6th grade!! Just wanted to touch base with all of you and tell you what a great job you are all doing for leadership! Tell me one thing you like about our class? It is ok to respond to others posts as well!! You may like the same things but remember to tell me why???
Mrs. Puccinelli


  1. The best thing I like about our class is playing with the special needs kids. I love the factt hat I am a happy part in their day, and it's been a great learning experience. That, in my opinion, is the most important thing

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry. I accidentially (sp) deleted my 1st comments...
    so: I agree with Jake. I LOVE the special needs kids. I cried after the first time I went there. I love helping them and playing blocks with them. They are so sweet.

  4. So glad you guys enjoy the special needs program. They do love all of you and I know they are a special part of your day as well!

  5. I also agree with Jake and McKenna, I really love going and working with the special needs kids, their sooooo funny and can brighten up your day if you need it!

  6. Ok.............I also agree with Jake, Mckenna, and Marisa, because they are so funny and I love watching them smile. I also love participating in fun events that come up in the school, because I finally get to do more in school than just learn :)

  7. I agree with Rachel! It's really cool doing other activities, but I like working in the special needs classroom too.

  8. I agree because they have such great personalities and are always so fun.
    P.S. This is really abby. It is just my dads e-mail.

  9. Hi Everyone, thank you for sharing your thoughts on our special needs friends!! Don't forget to vote for your special friend and we will feature a special story about the winner on our site!

    View the Great Quotes from Great Leaders and pick your favorite quote. Tell me why the quote is your favorite and why you find it so inspirational!

    Mrs. P

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. With the special needs kids I learn so much! Just a simple hi from them makes me think that I impacted their life and that is really special to me! :)

  12. one thing i like about our class is working with the special needs i learn something new each day it is so much fun we have made a big difference in there lives <3 <3 <3

  13. One thing I like about our class, 6th grade leadership is that we work with the special needs. The special needs are energetic, fun, and loving! They are so fun to hang out with! Also, we make posters and do fundraisers..

    ~Hannah Munck

  14. I love going to play with the special needs! It's SO cool to watch them interact with eachother, and I have a lot of fun just hanging out with them. They have taught me to look at life with a different perspective, and that has made such a big difference in my life.

  15. I had 3 favorite quotes
    (it was to hard to choose 1)

    1) "Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy to a friend." - Martin Luther King Jr.

    2) "The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen, not touched, but felt in the heart"
    -Helen Keller

    3) "Weakness of attitude, becomes weakness of character" - Albert Einstein

    Einstein's quote I thought was the most powerful because it's true. It means that you can't really get anywhere in life without being yourself, and that's what gives you strong character. And coming from an extremely smart man, he must have had many more explanations to why he thought this was important.

    P.S. (Mckenna is one of the few people I know, that has such a great character)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Ok back to the whole special needs subject, working with them is awesome!!!!!! I love each of their smiles and how simple things like playing with them is an impact on how they do things. I also really agree with Alli about how I can look through a different perspective with them. They inspire me each day to smile to everyone and I don't think I know to many other people who can do that than the special needs kids. They are the most wonderful group of people I've ever met!!!!!

  18. I also love working with the special needs. When I go over to their classroom it is filled with joy. I enjoy seeing them each day. It has changed my life going over there and hanging out with such nice people. Everyday most of them are smiling and it just gives you a good feeling...I don't know how to explain it. They are all very energetic and happy. They are the best little group!!!!! haley <3
