Monday, March 15, 2010

What Makes a great leader???

Hello Leaders of 6th grade:
So glad to see many of you responding to our special site. Don't forget to vote for your favorite special needs friend. We will publish a story about the winner when the voting is complete! Also, view the video clip of Great Quotes from Great Leaders. Pick your favorite quote and tell me why it is so inspirational to you!!
Mrs. P


  1. The most inspirational quote from the video was the one by Helen Keller. "The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen, not touched, but felt in the heart." This was my favorite quote because to me it means that you don't have to be able to see and touch everything to feel the two most beautiful things in the world: love and happiness.

  2. Apparently I posted this in the wrong section so...

    I have a couple things to say...
    1) You made the poll way too hard.... impossible to choose.
    2) My favorite quote was....
    "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."
    - Harry S. Truman
    I love this quote because it is 100% true, and it makes you realize, WOW! I do SO much, caring about that I am the one who is going to earn the credit, instead of focusing on what I should/going to do. We get so caught up in our own lives that we rarely understand about the happiness and satisfaction, towards ourselves and others, everyone will feel if we do something to do just to make the world a better place, not to earn glory.

    I realize that might not make sense, but my thoughts are more of a feeling than words.

    I also like the quote...
    "Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy to a friend."
    - Martin Luther King Jr.
    I just feel that this was strong, coming from Martin Luther King Jr., who at the time, was different from others.
    Yay! 'K, BYE!

    P.S. I think that the Great Quote makers cheated. They used the same music.... over and over and over again. Very annoying. But catchy. Still inspiring.

  3. Ok, so first I thought this quote was awesome: "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." I mean it is totally true. Then I heard the last and most important quote of all. "In life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love." This I can relate to when I do projects with girl scouts. I love making other people smile and I think that's what Mother Teresa meant by this quote. She wants people be inspired to make a difference one heart at a time. I LOVE THIS QUOTE!!!!!!

  4. I really like the quote:
    "We must be the change we want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi

    I like this quote because it's very true. Many people think if they give it time, a change in the world will happen, which isn't right. Like, when you want to raise a grade for instance, you have to work hard and put effort into it. It won't raise on its own, you have to be the change you want to see. I also have some what of a connection:"We Are the World" relates to this quote soooo well, I think. They explain this quote nicely, "We are the world, we are the ones who make a better place..."
    -Paige Stevens <3

  5. My favorite quote was by Walt Disney,"If you can dream it, you can do it."
    I though that this quote really was true because everything is possible if you want it to be. I think that this quote can also mean that the more you dream, the more you can accomplish if you put your mind to it. For example, the night before our final game in state cup, I really wanted to do something good. I set my mind to it and in the final game, I had one of my best games ever and I scored a goal playing defender! You can do anything if you want to. :D
