Thursday, April 1, 2010

Touching Base with my Leaders!!

Hello all, missing you much these days but taking care of my sister is the best thing for now. Leaders always help others!! It looks like Priscilla won the vote for special needs so when I return after break, we will do a feature story on Priscilla. Who would like to interview her?? Tell me one thing you did the last two weeks in leadership class. Give me details of an event you participated in such as the elementary school olympics or a special moment in Mrs. Copelands class. Looking forward to hearing from you!!!
Mrs. Puccinelli


  1. We built really tall towers and I started building it with Jack. When we were done, he was so proud. We all called it Jack's Tower. He felt special. I miss you so much and wish you the best. I really wish you were with us, but your with your sister at her last days, and that's definitly more important.

  2. I was in Jack's group too. We built our tower to the ceiling and like Mckenna said, Jack was soo proud. We used paper towel rolls, which made it very difficult, but very fun! I hope to see really soon and I hope the best for your sister and family.
