Sunday, April 11, 2010

Define Leader

Hello kids!
In this post, define the word leader and tell me why you consider yourself a leader. Thanks and post by Wed!


  1. Leader is someone who shows other people how to act. I would consider myself a leader because I am one of those people that doesn't boss everyone around and doesn't copy/follow people around.

  2. To me the word leader means someone who is always trying to do the right thing and they help others when needed. A leader is a good example towards others and does their best. I consider myself a leader because I am very responsible and I am also a very caring and unselfish person.

  3. To me leader means someone who is always respectful and responsible. They are always there to help you no matter what. I consider myself a leader because I am caring and trustworthy.

  4. I believe that the word leader means you stick up for anyone and you care about others more than your self. I think of myself as a leader because I stick up for people and I will think for others more than i think for myself.

  5. I think that leader means that you can patch up the holes. You not only fix the negative "stuff" but you create knew positives. You encourage people to be who they are and express it. You try to make the world a better place and you don't care who gets the credit. That's where my favorite quote comes in, "It's amazing what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit." A leader does something to do good. A leader is all these things and more. A leader is me.

  6. To me a leader is someone who sets a good example, is a hard worker, very responsible, and cares for everyone around them. I think of myself as a leader because of the every day things that I do that make a difference no matter how big or small, from giving someone a compliment or making them smile to setting an example for people around you.

  7. To me a leader is someone who guides people to a better understanding of what they are going throught. They set an example to others and just are always people you can talk to...

  8. To me a great leader is just a good person. Someone who fights for what they believe in and is willing to risk it all for the sake of others. Just follow the great words of Martin Luther King Jr. and many others to succed as a great leader.

  9. A leader to me is someone who shows responsibility and being a role model. I usually be a leader by givings compliments, or just being nice. I love being in Leadership!!! <3
